To me this is a notice given of the possible passing of a point of no return in this country, as we are losing the voices that stood for sanity and Godliness.
those who are manipulating this country WANT to cause race wars in our land. If you read my last post you know that I believe that the powers-that-be wish to cause riots in order to bring about an excuse for instituting martial law AND to get the black community so riled up that they don’t analyze and don’t think, but instead support Obama simply because his skin is darker.
SALT And LIGHT – Who are we in this world, Really? SALT? Without salt, our bodies shut down – quit – die. These days when I go outside and work …
Read More “Being Salt”
a few more photos from our 1993 trip to Kaibil Land
Idolatry is not loving or seeking after God. Witchcraft is idolatry. Halloween makes light of and celebrates witchcraft. Jesus said fear not for He is always with us. Halloween celebrates and makes light of fear. God told us to have nothing to do with necromancy. Halloween celebrates communication with the dead and makes light of it. Jesus said to have nothing to do with the fellowship of darkness
We prefer to do what feels good to us much more than doing what will ultimately be the right thing to do, if that right thing makes us uncomfortable or doesn’t contribute to our glory, power, and comfort. For most people this is perfectly fine.
These days we all must be concerned with identity theft, but there is a current case of identity theft that has and will continue to affect each and every on of us even though we will probably never meet the person it concerns. That person is the President of the United States (POTUS).
I am one of those who has not been a stranger to pain in my life, while at the same time I have been spoiled by being healthy and physically active. During the last few years, however, I have occasionally been bed-ridden with a back problem that is accompanied with almost unbearable pain. This is the case at the moment