Ok, I’m being evil… I’ll get back to the grind-stone

I have been very unfaithful here and haven’t posted anything for a long time. Call it depression. I suppose I have just been discouraged about many things, including what God has given me to do here. But I know I must repent and get back to causing trouble again. Not just for the sake of causing trouble, mind you, it just works that way in this world when you go searching for Truth. Hey, my Lord was a “stone of stumbling and a rock of offense”; I can at least hope to be a pebble of stumbling – and maybe cause some others to stumble into some of the Truth that God has been gracious enough to lead me to. Of course I have not gone willingly. No, I have to keep stumbling on my pride (ow!), and my vanity, (down again!). Then ask God to help me dress my scrapes and heal the knife wounds in my back – try to keep focused on Him instead of my own self pity (poor pitiful me). He reminds me that when I fall I did it to myself. This, of course, includes getting all depressed about my situation or about how people respond to me.
So here I am, repenting again. It is so easy to be like the Israelites of old and say “I will do it!” and tell you (and God) “From now on I will be faithful and make posts!” 😉 Instead I will only promise to try really hard to be more faithful about doing so. Please do yell at me if I don’t, as I am dense and sometimes need to be yelled at.

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