John A. Spinuzzi, A Much Appreciated Father
Following is a Father’s Day card I wrote for my Dad quite a few years ago. He is 90 now*, and is not long for this earth. I will always …
Following is a Father’s Day card I wrote for my Dad quite a few years ago. He is 90 now*, and is not long for this earth. I will always …
Once there was a Young Man who had a Father that had a nice house and a nice car. The Young Man had brothers and sisters, but not many friends. …
Clint and I excitedly tightened our Swiss seats as we looked over the cliff edge, feeling like kids getting ready for their first roller-coaster ride. It was the hot August …
some of our neighbors wanted us to leave. Our family was just too strange. Not only did we raise rabbits, homeschool our children, and have way-too-many cats, we just acted different and sometimes the neighbors just couldn’t stand it. Take the incident of the firetruck for example.
Trust comes naturally to small children, but we adults have been burned enough to know better. When we got some horses I took my youngest daughter, Arianna, down to the …
I had the privilege of smelling it up close. In the dark. Down there. There were spiders under there, and all kinds of other bugs. I just knew there were snakes, too. And somewhere down there in the dark corners lurked those maleficent creatures that stared hungrily at me in the middle of the night.
The Freshman took one last look around. He was calm, having planned his exit for weeks. He loved the water, and this way there would be no body to bury, no expensive casket and burial plot to cost his parents money. The Freshman had cost them enough. It all made sense: Why stay here? This life was futile. Pain. More pain. Uselessness. Time to check out, lift the burden.