More photos from Guatemala, 1993

I’m finally getting around to posting a few more photos from our 1993 trip to Kaibil Land. I’ll add more as I get time. If any of you guys have photos you would like posted here just send them to johnspinuzzi(at) Don’t forget to send along matching captions! Identify yourself in these photos for the rest of us.

The Group
When it was over… I’m near the middle of the sign, with Clint to my right and Pete to my left.
medical checkup
Getting checked by the camp doctor…
In the barracks.
Inside the barracks, with mosquito netting over the bunks.

Mess halleating
In the mess hall, where you weren’t sure what you were eating (once had possum), but you ate all you could get!

The Camp
On THE HILL, overlooking the camp. We all just loved that hill – especially when we had about 50 pounds of gear on us!the hill
That hill is steeper than it looks!

slide for life
Slide for life.

injured rappel
Injured rappel.

overlooking a village
Overlooking a village.

Dressing up
Dressing up for a day in the jungle.

In the jungle
The jungle was great, as long as you didn’t grab the wrong thing or lose sight of your buddies…

on rope
We had all sorts of great toys to play with, but…

some people got tired. In fact…

we all got tired out.


hanging around
But we hung around for more fun.


The Ring of Fire
The Ring of Fire.

Mayan ruins
We got to visit some Mayan ruins…
Mayan ruins

Isreali plane
Caught a flight on an Isreali-built plane, and practiced our weightlessness control…


  • HA! That’s my bunk far back on top left with netting and that might be me sitting there. The next one back on top is Frode’s . (2nd photo from top screen)

  • John Spinuzzi here. The neat, squared-up netted bunk was mine (brag). You might remember that I had also smuggled in some MREs, heaters, and protein powder.

    Capt. Rodriguez is far right top photo, standing behind Max.

    That’s Kurt Kuhn laying on the foot locker. His friend Pete Hegge and I stay in touch.

    I still have more photos and some copies I can send out if anyone is interested. Got one of the American girl backpacker we picked up at the ruins that flew back to base with us.

    Remember the night we set up a perimeter and guard rotations at our barracks entrance to stop the nightly ‘raids’? Boy, were they pissed off!

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