John A. Spinuzzi, A Much Appreciated Father

Following is a Father’s Day card I wrote for my Dad quite a few years ago. He is 90 now*, and is not long for this earth. I will always cherish the time we had together and the many things he taught me.


Thank you for giving me the foundation for being successful, not in business, but in being a man and being a father. I am still learning to do the job, but you gave me the basics to build on. That foundation has stood through the storms, floods, and earthquakes of life. Yah’shua our Messiah is my Spiritual Rock, but you have been my earthly Rock. That part of you lives in me and will live on in my sons. You have taught me leadership (even though I am just now ‘getting it’ in many areas.Thank you (and Mom!) for your patience and forbearance which were needed in such large amounts with me. I love you.

P.S. – Sorry about the match heads in the cigarettes, the window in the roof, the burnt carpet, the midnight alarms, all the medical bills, the wrecked cars…

*Dad died January 18th, 2021

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